On the right, aspirin for people. On the left, aspirin for cows. Twice a day, Lottie, the Jersey cow, gets two of the big ones. The instructions say 'by bolus' which is a fancy way of saying 'poke it down her throat.' It's a common technique, and every feed supply store sells a simple tool to help with that. I know how it's done. I've seen it done. It's just not happening here, now, with this cow when I don't have a squeeze chute to immobilize her. I have enough trouble poking pills down cats' throats.
Fortunately, the vet said I could grind up the aspirin boluses and mix them with grain. Add a little warmed molasses, thinned 50/50 with water to bind the powder to the grain, and Lottie has a therapeutic morning snack.
She's better than she was, but not well yet. The vet warned me it would take a while.
The comparison picture is awesome!
No kidding! You sure wouldn't mix those up in the dark! :)
We use a similar "grind and disguise" technique with our dog's medicine. He hasn't found us out yet.
I cannot believe the size of that! I wouldn't want to swallow it either. :)
How cool to see the big aspirins. I don't know the first thing about farming but I've always been fascinated.
Those are quite some aspirins all right.
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