Anyone who's kept chickens knows there's a hierarchy in the henhouse. It's where the term 'pecking order' likely originated. These five young Wyandotte pullets are at the bottom of the pecking order, so they tend to gather on high perches where they can quietly gossip and peer wistfully out at the world they're not yet allowed to wander without escort. Left loose, they're likely to get into all sorts of trouble.
Teenage chickens. I never would have thought of them in those terms, but it makes sense. Nice photo!
Makes you wonder what or who they're gossiping about! :)
Pretty chickens!
What amazes me is how the pecking order seems to change over time. At least it has in our little group.
delurking - bet your teenage chickens are almost grown up now....
I love this picture. What are the chances that you can send me a good copy so I can print it and hang it in my kitchen? jjlutefisk@gmail.com
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