I've never grown such lush, happy eggplants before. The huge leaves concerned me at first because I feared I'd been too heavy-handed with the compost this spring and would have all leaves and no fruit. Not to worry. They're setting fruit now, and still the plants grow and grow and grow. I planted two varieties, Apple Green and Ichting Long, I think. Unfortunately, the goslings 'helped' me weed the garden one day and took great delight in plucking most of the markers from the ground. Fortunately, they found the markers more interesting than the plants.
We grew eggplant one year, but we only got one, and it was the size of my thumb.
Mine do best when I sidedress with composted rabbit manure. Until I started that I didn't get much.
He, he ... we lost our markers to one 15 mo. old who loved to mix them up. Thanks for the kind comment on our carrots. I have never been able to grow carrots either until we moved here. And Ive been able to grow everything in WI. Thanks again!
My eggplant seem to be very healthy this year, too. Must be the weather, since I'm treating them the same as I always do.
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