This may be the year of the gates. I have nothing against a well-made 'farmer's gate' of whatever wire matches the fence, especially in locations that don't see a lot of through traffic. Unfortunately, most of the farmer's gates here at the farm aren't that manageable for a middle-aged gal with wimpy muscles. So I've made a list of gates to replace, as time and funds permit.
First on the list was this one between the cow pasture and the field where the greenhouse, orchard, and big garden are located. This was a life-changing event. I smiled. I might even have done a little dance out there in the sunlight as I considered the sheer volume of time and aggravation this new gate will spare me in the coming growing season.
Life is good.
Nice gate, lucky lucky you. I can completely understand your joy---I need 5 of my own. All will have to be made (welded up) by my husband as time permits since the "holes" are odd sizes. But Ohhh to have a gate instead of a piece of fence or some other make do thing to have to try and get through without killing yourself, letting out animals or ripping your clothes!!
Ah, a fellow gate lover! Marvelous implements, aren't they?
Nice looking gate. I don't have livestock to worry about, and a gate like that won't stop my usual interlopers, but it is a thing of beauty, and I've thought about getting one a few times. But as you say, time and money . . .
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